Warrior Futsal

$35 / June 9th – July 7th
Ages U8 (2017) – U18 (2006)

Registration due June 5th. Available to Warren Local School District kids only.

Each age group will be divided into equal teams each week and compete against each other for two 25 minute periods. There will be no practices.

What is Futsal?

Futsal is a soccer-based game played on a hardcourt like a basketball court, smaller than a soccer pitch, and mainly indoors. It has similarities to five-a-side soccer and indoor soccer. Futsal is played between two teams of five players each, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Unlimited substitutions are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor soccer, it is played on a hard court surface marked by lines; walls or boards are not used. It is played with a smaller, harder, lower-bounce ball than association soccer. The surface, ball and rules favor ball control and passing in small spaces.

The game emphasizes control, improvisation, creativity and technique.

Futsal equipment and footware infographic

Photo credit: Bil Kleb

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